June 25, 2016

3RD ANNUAL MOBAY & KINGSTON LINKUP (Featured Events, Upcoming Events)

Posted By Birdie

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June 25, 2016 - June 25, 2016

11:00pm –

Aser Cultural Center

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On Saturday June 25th 2016 Zodiak Promotion A.K.A First Lady Ann Marie cordially invites you to the 3rd Annual Mobay & Kingston Linkup. Representing Mobay will be King Raw Deal, Froggy Maddsquad and Stoka the Firemarshall. Representing Kingston will be Love People and Dr. Dre Movements. This event will be hosted by Arlene and Terro. To be held at the Aser Cultural Center 1430 Joh Ave Baltimore, MD 21227. For more information call 443-722-0634. This is a definite winner! Tell a friend to tell a friend!