On Saturday July 23rd 2016 Veronica from Nemesis Supreme cordially invites you to the 3rd Annual Niceness on the River on board the Paddlewheel Queen. Tickets are $60 in advance and will be $70 at the dock for the boat. Chartered bus available and leaving from Springfield Massachusetts leaving from across Duggan Middle School in […]
On Saturday June 25th 2016 Zodiak Promotion A.K.A First Lady Ann Marie cordially invites you to the 3rd Annual Mobay & Kingston Linkup. Representing Mobay will be King Raw Deal, Froggy Maddsquad and Stoka the Firemarshall. Representing Kingston will be Love People and Dr. Dre Movements. This event will be hosted by Arlene and Terro. […]
On Friday June 3rd 2016 BK Entertainment, Spyda the DJ Events & Klimaxx Entertainment presents Caribbean Fevah. Featuring music by Vibes Unit, Dj Bimshire and DJ Ablaze at Club Asia DC 1720 I Street NW DC. Everyone free before 12 midnight. Visit www.caribbean1stfridays.com for more info
On Sunday June 5th 2016 DMVBIZ.com is seeking experienced and non experienced models an actors of African Caribbean and ethnic background for online projects including web series and hosting. Actors must prepare a 1 minute contemporary monologue. Models must bring body and head shots or comp cards. For more info please email naada@dmvbiz.com or info@dmvbiz.com […]
On Friday June 10th 2016 you are cordially invited to Kirk Sherlock’s Annual Gemini Birthday Bash! You will be musically entertained by Military, Grammy Kid, Jiggy Huncks and Sonic 71. This event will be hosted by Gary Sherlock and Vicky Hype. Early arrival is strongly suggested. The location is to be announced so stay tuned […]